14 February 2025

Lawyer Lists All She Achieved 5 Years After Losing Her Leg In An Accident (Photos)


A lawyer identified as @anxta_ on Twitter who had one of her legs amputated after suffering an accident five years ago has listed what she was able to achieve since the tragic accident.

The Twitter user said she was involved in a road accident exactly five years ago. The accident resulted in one of her legs being amputated.

Since then, she has gone on to obtain her LLB, graduated with a first class from law school and is now employed as a corporate lawyer. She’s also living her life fully and she shared photos to show how much she enjoys life and participates in it.

Read her inspiring tweets below:

Woke up feeling emotional & nostalgic. Today makes it exactly 5 years since I lost the lower part of my leg in a road accident. Since then, I’ve gone on to obtain my LLB, graduated with a first class from law school, started my job as a corporate lawyer, and just living. https://t.co/gapvSQ6v2e

I remember that rainy day. You can read the story here https://t.co/Bxc7CU1MES. It hasn’t been an easy ride but for the most part, I think I’m doing my best. I’ve come far from this person at the hospital (prior to the amputation) to this better looking version of myself. https://t.co/ylztNlmfVr

And I’m super thankful. I remember the first few months when I had to go back to school with my crutches. Things have gotten a lot better. 3 prosthetic legs later, I’ve been able to travel with my love, to support causes I hold dear to my heart and to live independently enough. https://t.co/VklU7vevFv

I’m really privileged to be able to afford this, together with the help of my family, & (internet) friends too! But many people (esp. children) are not as privileged. If you can, please donate to @theirede a not-for-profit set up to help indigent kids living with disabilities. https://t.co/aBklb5FmeM

2 out of 10 times, I wonder if my amputation is restricting me from achieving all my huge goals and aspirations. Sometimes I have to depend on other people or things for stability. But 8 out of 10, I’m reminded by my amazing support system that I’m doing just great! https://t.co/lzhMmbDF3M

For things that could get better for me? Definitely mode of transport but that’s secondary. Enjoy this short video of me struggling to find a bus/bike to get to the office 😂😂😂. https://t.co/uQGHKBauez

Alsooo exercising is a nightmare lmao why must all the exercise require lots of leg use please? Fit fam release me 😂😂. Another video of me attempting to speed walk because I can’t jog. I’m jogging in my mind please 😂 https://t.co/u7faYAidHR

Grateful for all of the encouragement and love. Special shoutout to people who make me feel “able” and know when to give me special treatment. I truly appreciate the balance. Thank you to my people who are toooo numerous to mention so I don’t miss anyone out. I love loveee you! https://t.co/Yqwp48xWW4

You’ve made these couple of years much more bearable and much more happier for me. I was telling Derin I don’t remember myself with my “leg of birth” lmao and I think I’m more than okay with moving forward. But for the sake of throwback, I’ve attached 😂 https://t.co/FwYZFkGGIk

Also thanks to my online friendsss, followers and every other kind person making my life as a disabled person easier these past years. You’re all amazing and I’m thankful!

Here’s to 5 more years and 5 more and 5 more and 5 more and 5 more…. ♾♾ https://t.co/fmEFPP9Po2

The end. Thanks for reading 😂❤️ https://t.co/lrlOiLehv7

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