22 January 2025

Teenager reveals she didn’t know she was pregnant until she was in LABOUR because she was still a size 6


A teenager has revealed how she didn’t know she was pregnant until she was in labour. 

While pregnant Siobhan Buchanan, then 17, from Perth Scotland, was still a trim size six, had no bump, and had been using condoms when having sex with her boyfriend, Kieran Millar. 

But her mother Yvonne was convinced her daughter was pregnant, picking up on signs like a ‘puffy’ face, unusual breakouts and a ‘pregnancy glow’. 

Siobhan took three pregnancy tests to satisfy her mother, which were all negative. 

In March 2019 Siobhan went to bed with excruciating back pain and the next day was rushed to hospital where she was told she was pregnant just moments before giving birth to her son, Oscar. 

‘I couldn’t believe I’d carried a baby for nine months without knowing,’ she said. ‘Thankfully, he was a healthy little boy.’ 

At six months pregnant Siobhan, now 19 and a stay-at-home mother, developed spots on her face and observant Yvonne, 31, a shop assistant, noticed her daughter looked ‘puffier’ than usual. 

‘I laughed and told her not to be ridiculous,’ Siobhan said. Kieran and I used condoms and were extremely careful. Plus, my periods were regular so it was impossible.’

However it later transpired that what Siobhan took to be light periods was actually spotting, which can occur during pregnancy.   

Yvonne ‘wouldn’t let it go’ and in January 2019, by which point Siobhan was seven months pregnant, she convinced her daughter to take a pregnancy test.   

Siobhan continued: ‘Like I thought, it was negative. Mum was shocked and kept saying I looked like I had glowing pregnancy skin. I told her to drop it.

‘Soon after, I started to crave bagels and Irn-Bru. I looked at my stomach and it was completely flat. I knew I wasn’t pregnant.

‘Mum was still adamant and she bought me two different brands of pregnancy tests again. To keep her quiet, I took them and again, they were negative.’

Two months later, in March 2019, Siobhan was at work when she experienced terrible lower back pain.

‘Out of nowhere, I had a horrible pain in my back. I thought it was my uncomfortable chair,’ she recalled.

‘Later that night, at home, I kept complaining to my parents that my back was killing. Mum gave me some ibuprofen. Dad thought I might be constipated. I decided to just get an early night and sleep it off.’

The following morning, Siobhan was doubled over in pain.

‘I dragged myself to the toilet and as I sat down, I felt a gush of water between my legs,’ she continued. ‘I was so confused. Mum and Dad were out so I called them. I told them something was wrong and that I needed to go to the hospital.’

Siobhan’s parents rushed her to Perth Royal Infirmary Hospital. There, a doctor asked her to take a pregnancy test.

She continued: ‘I was fed up of taking them. I knew it’d be negative, but I had no choice. A few minutes after, I was told I needed to be taken to another hospital.

‘They wheeled me into an ambulance and I had no idea what was going on. Mum jumped in with me while Dad went back to work.’ 

Siobhan was taken to Ninewells Hospital, in Dundee, where she was rushed to the maternity ward and given an ultrasound.

‘Suddenly, I heard the thumping sound of a heartbeat,’ Siobhan said. ‘I looked at the screen and there was a baby. I was in labour. Before I could react, I felt burning between my legs and the nurses told me I was crowning.’

Ten minutes later, Siobhan gave birth to her son Oscar, weighing 5lb 5oz.  

Siobhan said: ‘I stared at my son in disbelief. Mum was crying and cradled him. The doctor explained that he’d been lying back to back, which is why I didn’t have a bump.

‘For months, I’d mistaken spotting for light periods. As Mum quickly called Dad to tell him the news, I messaged Kieran.

‘I said I’d had a baby and he was a dad. He thought I was joking but then it finally sunk in. He was gobsmacked. Sadly he was stuck at work, so he couldn’t come straight away.’   

Siobhan and Kieran, who are no longer together, were supported by their families who rallied to buy supplies.   

Siobhan added: ‘Kieran really got into being a dad but in time, we eventually broke up. He’s still an amazing father.’

Now, Oscar is 23 months old and he and Siobhan have their own home.

Siobhan says: ‘I can’t wait to tell Oscar the story about his birth when he’s older. He surprised us all. Now, my mum constantly gets to say “I told you so”!’

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